
Hap Hap Happy New Year!

Hap Hap Happy New Year! We celebrated on east coast time at the Langs so the kids could enjoy the heck out the new year. Now they're sleeping and the new year has begun.

So what's new in the new year? Tomorrow I get a few hours to create next 12 months...

Spiritual: A new course to explore
Career: Finding my place in the new organization
Physical: 1 yoga class a week live plus DVD 2x min
Relationships: More dates! Deepen friendships. Expand circle.
Travel and play: Lots of mini trips. Camping to see stars. Fun on the farm. Big Bear. Plus one "big" adventure.
Lifestyle: More journaling. Less blogging. A commitment to "mommy free choice" time at least once a quarter.

I've experimented with blogging over the last few months and while fun, I enjoy my personal inner space more than the public space of blogging. My commitment in 2007 is back home again where my mind and words can wander freely... We'll see what kind of time is left for blogger.

Happy 2007!

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