
Goodbye, Greg

I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I guess I became a huge Wiggles fan. Both of my kids have grown up singing and dancing to the four-man group's happy, upbeat songs.

I remember the first time I saw the Wiggles at a neighbor's house. I didn't know what to make of the group of grown men singing and bopping around. I guess you can say it grew on me.

I was so sad to hear today that lead singer Greg Page was turning over his yellow jersey, or skivvy as they call them, due to illness. It seems like it's the smart thing and the right thing, so I wish him all the best health and happiness. But for my kids, this will really be their first "end of an era."

BTW, did you realize the Wiggles were some of the highest paid performers in the world? Amazing but true.

All the best, Greg! We'll miss your magic but are sure to be keeping your song and dance around.


The Witching Hour

Dinner time. I don't know if it is the same for other moms, but by far it is the most challenging time of day for me.

As I open the door to my office at 5:30, I'm in immediate demand. "I want to HAVE you," is Jack's latest and Jenna follows. With a kid on each leg, I make it to the family room. They are typically energetic and want my attention, literally pulling me in their direction. It's at this point that I wish I had a commute to switch gears and at the same time, my mind is racing somewhere else... what am I going to do for dinner!

I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Luckilly, Zulma does a great job of feeding the kids a late afternoon snack so they're energetic and not grumpy. Yes, I do count my blessings and she is one of them. But what to do about dinner?

I need to be more organized. I realize that it all starts on the weekend when I really don't feel like going to the grocery store and planning 5 dinners, lunches, breakfasts and snacks for the week. I've tried the "DinnerTime" meals and though I liked it unfortunately my family is a bit too picky to take advantage of their menus.

So I have a new plan. I just signed up for "Saving Dinner" for weekly online menus complete with organized shopping lists. In addition to that, I think I'm going to try online grocery shopping again. That takes quite a bit of set-up and discipline for a spontaneous-oriented shopper like me (ooh, that looks good, maybe some of that...), but once I get it set up, I think it will be much easier. Click, click, click: done. If I can simplify it enough to make it routine to have everything I need to cook fabulous meals, I'll be set.

Sounds good, but the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. My first menus come tomorrow; this weekend will be the big test.... Until then...

Can we order out?

: )



For some reason, I can't think of anything to write. Must be the long weekend that I took full advantage of. No regrets for that!


My new side job

Yesterday was spa day. I totally unplugged and headed to Pacific Waters Spa. Just me for a quiet day alone.

Bliss! I was truly pleasantly surprised. I have been to a few spas, but this was the first one in a while to get all the basics right. It wasn't outrageous, just simple with attention to detail in all the right places.

My therapist Sabrina was absolutely fantistic. Down to earth but intuitive and skilled -- a very hard combination to find!! She quickly adapted our session to my requests and sent me into that dreamy, floaty place that good massages take you.

The best part of the day was lingering. Arriving early and lingering, staying late and lingering. No phones, no email, no requests of me, just quiet lingering in a warm, feel-good place. I'd highly recommend a day like this to anyone!

So I decided I need a new side job -- a spa reviewer!! Of course, I would only look for and write about the things that I liked about each place, since our thoughts are magnetic, I would want to put all my thought and writing into the best parts of the experience so that I can attract more just like it!

Seriously though, I did make a personal commitment to do this again sooner rather than later. No timelines but a personal commitment to explore more spas and take more downtime to linger in wonderful, warm, beautiful places.

Aaah... The memory still lingers.

Thank you for the food we eat...

There are so many things to be thankful for, and thanksgiving is a wonderful day to consciously appreciate them. A friend of mine put it well, "Thanksgiving is the only significant holiday where there is nothing more to do than be with family and friends, eat and watch football. What can be better than that?"

Well, I didn't do much football, but spending the day with family and enjoying a delicious meal was delightful. And since the kids are old enough to entertain themselves -- the first year in 6 that that has been true--it was actually relaxing too.

One of my fundamental operating principles is that the purpose of life is joy. And the best way to fulfill that purpose is to look for things to appreciate and be thankful for. So here is a short list (I'll limit to 10 here for the sake of space) that I'm thankful for tonight:

  1. Family. I appreciate the love and wellbeing and support that comes from my husband, children, parents, brother, in-laws (two sisters and parents), grandmother and extended family.
  2. John. He may be family, but I am especially appreciative of John and the friendship and love that we share. He is truly my best friend and I am thankful for being in a relationship with someone that supports me, loves me, creates with me and is also a strong leader who inspires me to new things every day.
  3. Friends. I love having friends that I enjoy and trust am so grateful for the support and inspiration and fun that we create together. I am looking forward to having more unstructured time to spend chatting and playing and love knowing that the time will come again. For now, knowing that I have a group of people that I care so much about and can trust enough to be just me is wonderful.
  4. Health. I am so appreciative of my vitality and I love feeling good. I love to move and stretch and breathe deeply. I am so appreciative that my family is healthy and happy.
  5. Freedom. I love that I am free. Free to think and imagine and create anything at all. I love that I live in a wonderful place where personal freedom is protected and where individuals are encouraged to think for themselves.
  6. Work. I love having inspiring work that calls me to create and a network of talented, intelligent people to create with in an environment that I enjoy.
  7. Home. I love my home. I love that I have a comfortable roof over my head that feels warm and welcoming. I love being at home and the revitalization that it gives me.
  8. Music. Particularly my own personal music on my iPod. I love that I have ready access to music I love and can expand the library whenever I choose, organize and select the music I want to hear and have it all at my fingertips.
  9. Online shopping! As we head into the busy shopping season, I love that I can easily access the things that I want to purchase online and save the shopping trips for days that are more enjoyable.
  10. Spas. This deserves a whole post of its own, but I am so appreciative that there are places where rejuvination is what it's all about. I love the inspiration, creativity, caring and imagination that makes spas a truly magical place to be. I love that I have easy access to some of the most wonderful spas in the world, right in my own backyard.
Now my mind is turning with more things that I'm so appreciative of. Icould go on and on, but will take the rest offline.

I noticed when I wrote about health that I had a twinge of sadness for my friends who are not experiencing optimal health right now. I send love and light to them with the intention that they have peace in their hearts and can relax and feel the best that they can feel, knowing that no matter what the circumstances, all is well.

I'll end with the poem that my daughter had to memorize for kindergarten:

Thank you for the world so sweet
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you God for everything.


Down Time

Today was the beginning of a vacation week for me! Well, sort of. I couldn't help but check into email a few times, but for the most part I checked out. I made "stone soup" with the kindergartners, attended my daughter's ballet class and completed a few details that have been on my to do list for a while.

Tomorrow is a true "Donna Day." I'm going to the spa! Aaaaah. I'm going to block the day for personal fun and relaxation. Well, fun and a bit of organizing but mostly fun. : ) All in preparation of four great family days. I'm looking forward to the break.

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. Time for appreciation everywhere. I like having a little down time before Thanksgiving so that I can really take the time to bask in the glow of all that is good. That is what tomorrow is about for me. Time to count my blessings and imagine what's new.



Here is my horoscope for today:
A big change has been in the works for a while, and you're finally ready to embrace it wholeheartedly. It may require a temporary sacrifice, but when you see the goal, you'll know it's all worthwhile.

What could it be, what could it be? I feel like I've got a big surprise on the way!


The Secret

I must say, I am happy that movies like What the Bleep Do We Know and The Secret are getting so much play in mainstream media. Even though both productions are a bit evangelical (in the broadest sense, of course) for me, I love that this thinking has become mainstream. What is possible out of this rediscovered freedom is amazing.

I couldn't find the link to yesterday's "Positive Thinking" segment on Larry King Live, but the transcript is posted.

Now if more people would just pipe down and mind their own business rather than try to make a buck telling people what to do, things would really get rolling! MHO, of course. : )

If Life Was a Soundtrack

There's a music meme that I have seen floating around on a few people's blogs and I thought I'd have a little fun on a Friday and give it a shot myself.

Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, iPod)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. New question-- Press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool

It is interesting to see what comes up at random. Is it true that nothing is random? Or maybe everything is random, I guess it just depends of your philosophy. Those that know me know where I stand on that one.

So now let's see what happens...

If your life were a soundtrack, what would the music be?

Opening credits:
“C is for Cookie” Kids Direct

Waking up:
“Star Me Kitten” REM

First day at school:
“Fall Down” Toad the Wet Sprocket

Falling in love:
“Untogether” Belly

Breaking up:
“I Caught Fire" The Used

“Jesus Walking on the Water” Violent Femmes

Life's okay:
“Where It’s At” Beck

Mental breakdown:
“Smile Like You Mean It” The Killers

“Wicked Ways” Garbage

“So Much to Say” Dave Matthews

Getting back together:
“First Date” Blink 182

“Beautiful Way” Beck

Birth of child:
“What’s the Frequency, Kenneth” REM

Final battle:
“New Beginning” Tracy Chapman

Death scene:
“Freedom Fighter” Creed

Funeral song:
“Mountain” Tonic

End credits:
“Come Talk to Me” Peter Gabriel


Let's just say it wouldn't make for the best workout mix...

That my opening would be a kids song is too funny. Thank goodness they didn't all show up that way! And at least it wasn't Lawrence Welk to set the tone -- I'm making a CD for my grandma's 90th birthday so all those oldies are in there. And it seems like a few songs would make sense just more switched with another category (falling in love/breaking up and final battle/death scene). Should I read into that? As for the rest, I'm going to have to make a playlist of these so I can listen to them in context!

Anyway, it was fun. Give it a try!


Might as well think big...

I was reading the introductions last night to The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, and there was a quote that Jerry Hicks wrote about that has kept me squirming in my chair all day.

"I'm going to be thinking anyway, I might as well think big..."

How simple can it get? But simple is so deceiving!

Lately, I have forgotten about thinking big. Most of the time even my daydreams are spent imagining the next logical step or creating an upcoming experience. I've lost touch with what we used to call BHAGs at work: Big Hairy Audacious Goals that combine big thinking with focused action to create that rush of accomplishment.

As I thought about it last night and today, a few people came to mind that have some great BHAGs out in front of them to keep them inspired. My sister-in-law Shayna, aka WalkerChick, has not only numerous marathons this year, but she also has started a side business and is actively making it a success. A friend at work uses trialathons as his ongoing challenge to beat his personal best.

It's not that I don't have personal goals, those keep me going. What has happened is that I've consciously avoided the Big Hairy Audacious ones. I've made mommy hood and raising two amazing kids my focus, which is important, but there is something to be said for shorter-term ideas that make you reach for the sky.

I've still got some work to do on this one. What does thinking big look like for me right now? Is it all cerebral, simply choosing big ideas to ponder and imagine? Does it involve a BHAG and some focused action? I'm sure something will come of this pondering...eventually.


They are precious in his sight

Jesus loves the little children... Well, that was certainly true yesterday when our family went to cousin Tyler's church to see him sing.

The church was new to us, but we easily found Tyler and family sitting near the front and we joined them. There was enough room for the kids at the end of the row, so Jenna and Jack sat with Tyler and Auntie Shayna while I sat waaaaaay down at the end with mom and dad.

Of course, we had prepped appropriate church behavior the whole way there, so I knew that the kids knew just what to do. But a surprise was in store: The pastor asked Tyler to come up with him to greet the congregation at the opening and when he politely declined, he turned to Jack, who agreed. And of course Jenna didn't want to be left out...

So as the music started and everyone stood up, the pastor and my little cherubs walked up the steps to the front of the church as the pastor opened the celebration with a speech about children. He didn't realize that this was probably the first time since they had been baptized in infancy that they had been in a church, but that didn't matter. It was fun for everyone.

The best part was when it came time to sing. The pastor encouraged Jenna and Jack to join the preschool group up front to sing the songs. Again, he didn't realize that they didn't know any of the songs, but that didn't matter... Jenna is a quick learner and sang as well as most. Tyler obviously knew all the songs and did the right hand motions. And Jack is just two, for goodness sake, so who would expect him to sing anyway.

When it came time to sing the military song, Jack quietly walked off to join me in the congregation. It was so sweet and I had my little conscientious objector at my side for the rest of the service.

I must admit, the experience was a good one. The community and the message were positive. My little cherubs were just that and I know they left having a good church experience. That was the important thing!


Where is Bonn?

The other morning, Jack woke up convinced that his friend Bonn had come over to play and was somewhere in the house. He looked in every room, out the window, in closets -- he looked everywhere for Bonn.

I asked him if he had a dream about Bonn coming over and he said yes. But even that realization didn't slow him down. Bonn was somewhere and needed to be found.

I was finally able to divert his attention, but the experience got me thinking: When is it that we learn that dreams and "reality" are separate? What is it that makes them separate? Are they really separate? Heck, should I be looking for Bonn?

I'm one of the first people ready to question the "realness" of "reality" but the truth is, Bonn wasn't here (at least as far as I could tell).

I'm fascinated by what it is that makes that dream a dream and what would make a it a real, sharable experience. There's lots written about the topic, even complex scientific theories. Some say that we're all dreaming and that there is nothing "real" at all. How many people would it take believing Bonn was here to have had Bonn actually be here?

It's the kind of question that keeps me thinking and keeps me wondering. In the meantime, Jack has forgotten about Bonn and is on to the next idea. But I can tell already that he will be one that keeps me on my toes.


Big. Fat. Old.

I got an email from the mother of Jenna's best friend the other day. Apparently, Jenna had called her friend "fat," and the mom wanted my support in making sure we reinforced a positive body image for our girls. I agreed.

But that freaked me out! My sweet girl? I thought all day about how the heck would I approach that one!?! I decided I'd just casually ask her about it and see what happened.

When I saw Jenna later that day, I didn't have to bring it up. Jenna did. "She said that I called her fat but I didn't!" Jenna exclaimed, unprompted.

"Tell me about it," I said, "What happened?"

"She said she was older than me, but that's not true. I'm the oldest. And then (someone else) agreed and said that I'm the biggest because my birthday is in June and her birthday is in August..."

Aaaaah, I was beginning to understand as Jenna rambled on. This was the same "I'm bigger than you are" conversation that started a year ago. Jenna is slightly older than her friend, but her friend is taller, which always leads to these conversations about "Who is the biggest?" I bet that Jenna didn't realize she called her friend "fat" because it was in the context of being bigger, which to Jenna is a very good thing.

Big. Fat. Old. All desirable to a 5-year old. Just another lesson in how much there is to learn from these little people!


Home again home again...

Here was my horoscope yesterday:

If you feel unrecognized by the powers that be, not to worry -- all that's about to change, and how! It may mean, however, that you have to make a choice that flies in the face of what those authority types believe.
I guess I should have read that yesterday. It might have saved me some frustration after my meeting. I met with my "new team" in my "new position," which is largely the same position with the same peers (though a different manager in a different department). However the home office has gone through a complete re-org, and it felt like all the work that our team has done for the last three years was for nothing. Sigh.

Anyway, if the horoscope is true, I'm headed in the right direction and lucky for me, I'm not too shy about standing up for what I believe in. Once I was marked down on a review for being "too passionate" and I did learn from that to try different approaches but if you have to get marked down, being too passionate is just the thing I'd opt for again! You've gotta believe in what you do, or why do it???

And I must add that the work I did over the last three years was part of what caused the re-org, so why am I complaining?

Anyway, on the flight home, I did take take the time to stop for a latte. Thanks for the reminder, Anonymous. Life is good.


Let it Snow!

I got a nice taste of winter today in Madison, Wisconsin. Snow flurries! Of course, being a CA girl, I didn't want to bother with bringing a jacket -- let alone a coat -- and I did regret that for the few minutes I had to transition between car and buildings. But for the most part, I was able to just enjoy watching them from a conference room window.

I actually think that today was the first time I had seen snow flurries. I've seen heavier snowfall when snow is on the ground, but flurries that come and go were new to me. And as you can tell, they were the highlight of my business trip!


Happy Happy Halloween

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to post some photos of my adorable goblins. Well, they weren't quite goblins -- my cheerleader and Bob the Builder -- but we sure had fun trick-or-treating!

My big job yesterday was as kindergarten room mom. I was in charge of the Halloween party and must say it was a big hit!

I spent the rest of the day doing Starbucks "drive-bys" because I had no Internet access at home, thanks to Time Warner. I would pull up to the red zone at Starbucks (I didn't even get to enjoy a latte), log onto the Internet, download messages and log off to zoom back home. Pathetic! But at least I had an option. I guess life isn't so bad when the toughest part of the day is logging into the Internet at Starbucks.