
Down Time

Today was the beginning of a vacation week for me! Well, sort of. I couldn't help but check into email a few times, but for the most part I checked out. I made "stone soup" with the kindergartners, attended my daughter's ballet class and completed a few details that have been on my to do list for a while.

Tomorrow is a true "Donna Day." I'm going to the spa! Aaaaah. I'm going to block the day for personal fun and relaxation. Well, fun and a bit of organizing but mostly fun. : ) All in preparation of four great family days. I'm looking forward to the break.

This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. Time for appreciation everywhere. I like having a little down time before Thanksgiving so that I can really take the time to bask in the glow of all that is good. That is what tomorrow is about for me. Time to count my blessings and imagine what's new.

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