

I made it! It was a busy two weeks, but I made it through happily. By the skin of my teeth, I do admit, but celebrating Christmas was enjoyable. Maybe I'll revisit the whirlwind later to share the fun details, but for now, I'm just enjoying the wind-down. I like having the space to breathe.

Now that I'm past the nights of midnight wrapping or working until 11pm to enable me to take vacation, I'm ready to create what's next for 2007. This year, I'm making a commitment of time for myself. I've got a long list of things I want to jump into, but I know I'll need to prioritize if I'm going to give any of it my all.

I did have to scramble a bit to get my 2007 Journal, The Sacred Journey. I typically buy it from Mothers during the holidays, but I didn't see it this year. When I went online, I found that the 2007 edition was sold out! Luckily, I found a copy on Amazon and next year, I'll look to buy it in the fall!!

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