
Trust Yourself

Today, while much of the country was enjoying freezing winter weather, we dressed the kids in their bathing suits and headed to the beach. It was a beautiful almost-spring day.

When we got there, the surf had created a big drop -- 5 feet or so-- between the sandy sand and the shoreline. I started to warn the kids not to get too close to the edge when John stopped me. "Where better can the kids learn about climbing and jumping and test their boundaries than in the soft sand at the beach? They can learn to trust themselves."

Lesson learned. Again. I feel like I'm learning that lesson all over the place these days. As I continue my new year promises, particularly the Light Body course, I've definitely had many questions and have been guided to many new things to explore. Part of me really wishes I had some sort of guide to follow, but in an area that is totally personal, there is no such thing. Of course there are lots of things that claim to be that, but those don't work for me. "Go inside and listen to your guidance" is all the meaningful direction I get.

I'm learning to trust myself. Sometimes it is liberating. Sometimes it is a little scary. Sometimes I feel like I'm really doing great. Other times, I feel myself falling back on my busy life to avoid newness for a while. I know it is all OK and I'm really enjoying the journey.

I'll link to some of the resources and new discoveries I've been finding in future posts. I'm not sure where they all fit. Some I'll explore more deeply than others. But it is all part of the web and a format like this helps me keep those links alive.

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