
Guiding the Next Generation

My daughter's school had a very interesting meeting today -- they asked parents to come together to discuss how to formalize a "human potential" or "human development" curriculum at the school.

That was one meeting I wasn't about to miss! Already, I love her school and the environment it provides for my sweet kindergartner. What an opportunity to help shape the future of her and my son's education in this way!

It was an interesting discussion, thinking through what a "human development" centered curriculum might look like. Conversation included topics like attending to the whole child, fostering self actualization, promoting social responsibility, wellness, individuality and leadership. Even visualization came up as a possible area to look at. Already many of these pieces are in place, but once a formal framework is created, it will be easier to see where gaps may exist and then where to improve.

I came away energized and eager to continue the process! It is clear to me that somewhere in this realm of human potential is where I want to end up spending more of my time.

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