

I just attended an event where there were quite a few people who I knew, many from work. Some I would consider friends. Most, aquaintences. What I mean by that is that I interact with them from time to time but have no meaningful relationship with them.

It made me think about how differently my kids think of friends. At 5 and 2, both Jenna and Jack are very outgoing, open, social and love their friends. In their world, friends are the kids their age that they meet at the park, anyone who wants to play. It is easy for them to find that natural affinity with people. One of their favorite things to do is to go out on a sunny day and "find some friends."

I spent time in Jenna's classroom today and the project I worked on was "What is a friend?" Answers from the 5 year olds ranged from "Someone who is nice to me" to "Someone who likes the things I like" and "Someone who helps me."

When did I start getting so picky about friends? I decided on the way home tonight to take a lesson from my kids and deliberately expand the people that I have relationships with, to ask more questions and to listen more carefully. I have a sense that I'll discover that I have more friends than I thought I did.

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