
Thoughts of Grandma

Tonight my thoughts are with my grandma. She turns 90 in December. Recently she had a biopsy and she gets results on Thursday. Waiting must be the hardest part.

Grandma lives in South Dakota. My family and I all went to visit her this summer -- John, the kids, even my brother and his family. I wanted Jenna and Jack to know the farm and know grandma on the farm. Something about that place is very special to me, even though I haven't spent much time there.

When I met John, he reminded me of the farm -- the prairie, more specifically. It was a feeling I got with him that set him apart from everyone else in the world. That's particularly strange since I really only visited the farm or the Midwest a couple of times growing up and I don't think John spent much more time than that. But our connection ran deep and the rest is history.

Grandma is a part of that and tonight my thoughts are with her. She's an amazing lady -- looking through her old photos and hearing her stories about times long ago you learn about an adventurous girl who traveled throughout the United States. She flew on planes when flights were new, moved to Oregon with her boyfriend (my grandfather) in times when that was highly unusual, worked at Chrysler in the 30s, owned multiple businesses until she retired back in the home she was born in, on a small South Dakota farm, that my great grandfather homesteaded over a hundred years ago.

But you wouldn't know about those things unless you asked her.

On Thursday, the "guys" all go back to South Dakota for opening season. I'm glad they'll be there with her.

I hope the news is good.

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