
Invisible Man

There was a news story today about how scientists have developed a cloak of invisibility, sort of Harry Potter style.

Unfortunately, I can't think of any reason that I'd want one, except maybe to cover my pile of unopened mail or unread catalogs. And of course if my kids were older, I'd probably want to throw one on and quietly follow them around, but I'm not there yet. I can think of quite a few reasons I wouldn't want someone else to have one, though.

I wonder if "evidence collected while cloaked" will be insubmissible in court the same way that illegal wiretapping once was. With the Internet, we're already pretty used to the idea of our day to day online interactions are not private but now, there's the possibility that nothing will be.

Of course, it won't be long and there will be special light waves that "uncloak" invisibility cloaks. And then we'll be off and running with a whole new industry...

It's amazing to think how things will change in my lifetime and in my children's lifetime. Sometimes I get caught up in the sheer massive idea of it all. That's when Dory from Nemo pops into my head, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know who i am problems with email and all that, i love your blogs and i love you.