
Life Goes On

Well, it ended like the entire season played out... for Tony Soprano, life goes on and we do not now know what is next. Even the way it ended -- as if the cable box went out (or the "lights" went out) -- emphasized that life is full of twists and turns, you get what you get and you focus on what's important in the meantime. But still, it's just slice of life, which still goes on even if no one is paying attention.

I like to think that everything was fine at dinner, "Don't stop believing..." However, perhaps the "Members Only" guy in the restraunt pulled the trigger and Tony never heard it when it happened, as Bobby described on the row boat a few episodes ago.

But what happened isn't the important thing; or better said, not knowing what happened is the important thing. As with all of the series, answers are not easy to come by and that is what made it great.

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