
Might as well think big...

I was reading the introductions last night to The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, and there was a quote that Jerry Hicks wrote about that has kept me squirming in my chair all day.

"I'm going to be thinking anyway, I might as well think big..."

How simple can it get? But simple is so deceiving!

Lately, I have forgotten about thinking big. Most of the time even my daydreams are spent imagining the next logical step or creating an upcoming experience. I've lost touch with what we used to call BHAGs at work: Big Hairy Audacious Goals that combine big thinking with focused action to create that rush of accomplishment.

As I thought about it last night and today, a few people came to mind that have some great BHAGs out in front of them to keep them inspired. My sister-in-law Shayna, aka WalkerChick, has not only numerous marathons this year, but she also has started a side business and is actively making it a success. A friend at work uses trialathons as his ongoing challenge to beat his personal best.

It's not that I don't have personal goals, those keep me going. What has happened is that I've consciously avoided the Big Hairy Audacious ones. I've made mommy hood and raising two amazing kids my focus, which is important, but there is something to be said for shorter-term ideas that make you reach for the sky.

I've still got some work to do on this one. What does thinking big look like for me right now? Is it all cerebral, simply choosing big ideas to ponder and imagine? Does it involve a BHAG and some focused action? I'm sure something will come of this pondering...eventually.


WalkerChick said...

It's been a few days since I stopped in, and I must say that I feel honored that you thought of me when discussing people who came to mind... One of the things that I have been meaning to do is create a "goal poster" with pictures of things that I plan to achieve... This will keep that visual in front of my face and remind me to always stay inspired. Perhaps we should make a date to put those together????

Oh, and BTW.... I believe that raising two amazing kids is a BHAG!!!

Donna said...

That sounds like fun. It's actually something I've been wanting to do with Jenna. Do you think Tyler would be into it? I want dreaming and working toward what they want a natural part of Jenna and Jack's life. Jack's a bit young for something like this, but Jenna already did something similar at Daisy Scouts and loved it.

WalkerChick said...

Ty might be into it, but I honestly think I'd prefer to do mine without him... And we could do it with the kids at a different time. I like that you want to do something like that with them... I hadn't really thought about that before... :)