
Home again home again...

Here was my horoscope yesterday:

If you feel unrecognized by the powers that be, not to worry -- all that's about to change, and how! It may mean, however, that you have to make a choice that flies in the face of what those authority types believe.
I guess I should have read that yesterday. It might have saved me some frustration after my meeting. I met with my "new team" in my "new position," which is largely the same position with the same peers (though a different manager in a different department). However the home office has gone through a complete re-org, and it felt like all the work that our team has done for the last three years was for nothing. Sigh.

Anyway, if the horoscope is true, I'm headed in the right direction and lucky for me, I'm not too shy about standing up for what I believe in. Once I was marked down on a review for being "too passionate" and I did learn from that to try different approaches but if you have to get marked down, being too passionate is just the thing I'd opt for again! You've gotta believe in what you do, or why do it???

And I must add that the work I did over the last three years was part of what caused the re-org, so why am I complaining?

Anyway, on the flight home, I did take take the time to stop for a latte. Thanks for the reminder, Anonymous. Life is good.

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