
Where is the Universe Expanding To?

I teach my kids that everything they do, everything they think and every experience they have adds unto everything the universe is. They are an integral part of eternity and forever expansion. As Abraham puts it, they are on the leading edge, moving thought forward.

Today I saw this post on Evolving Times and the link to Scientific American titled "Where is the Universe Expanding To?" I started thinking about how extraordinary it would be to take this on, to try to explain eternal expansion in a mathmetical equasion! I want that job (at least, theoretically)!

I love the convergence of spirituality and science and the conversations it sparks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna

Thanks for the link. That job does sound pretty darn cool! I figure that's a pretty significant part-time job for me now that my daughter has fully stepped into the "why" phase. All those "whys" encourage me to look a bit deeper into aspects of life I might otherwise take for granted.

Keep up the great blogging.
