It's all about perspectives
Recently I made a big discovery... I simply like to be right. Ok, not that I didn't know that before, but I realized that my emotional reaction to things that crossed me the wrong way was a result of me holding on ever so tightly to my perspective without giving anyone else room for their own.
So I've made a commitment to myself: I will appreciate other perspectives for what they are -- other perspectives!
Like cookies in the bakery, I will pick the ones that I like and leave the rest for others!
In the meantime, I still have my favorites. Like this:
Not for Me
So the news today about Whole Foods was sad, as it confirmed that my caution is well-founded.
Is all business about greed?
Of course not. Motivation by desire is natural but greed might be defined as amped up desire combined with a disregard for others for personal gain. Amped up desire is a motivator; but it does not have to deteriorate into deceit. I refuse to give up on my belief that people can have integrity and great desire. It does not have to be about greed.
Integrity is the real issue. Check out Whole Foods' Core Values. Did I read this correctly?
Integrity In All Business DealingsNot only that, but the company was actually voted one of the best places to work in 2007.
Our trade partners are our allies in serving our stakeholders. We treat them with respect, fairness and integrity at all times and expect the same in return.
Why does this bother me so much? I guess I expected more from a company that "sells" itself on values. I guess I can't believe how lame a mistake the CEO made. Check out the FAQ: he seriously just thought that was normal for a CEO to cloak his identity and hype his stock? I wonder if the "everyone does it" argument will hold up in court if it ends up going that far.
I don't shop at Whole Foods. If I did, I would now stop. I'm blessed with a small, local market that I love. I guess I can get off my tirade now. Back to business at a safe arm's length distance.
Evidence of a World Transforming
The 2007 Shift Report: Evidence of a World Transforming, attempts to chart the transition we believe is underway from a rigid, mechanistic, and materialistic worldview to one that is built on a foundation of interconnectedness, cooperation, and the intersection of science and spirituality.
Maybe you'll like it too: http://www.shiftreport.org/
I also emailed my hubby to ask for a reinstatement of my membership for my birthday... what a great gift -- no stuff, but lots to ponder!
Free Will
Fireworks emphasized the point.
This was an interesting article (Defending Free Will: A fruit fly makes choices) that reminded me that others are still pondering whether or not we are free. The story of a fruit fly, of all things...
Perhaps it is our destiny to be philosophers...
: )
Roughin' it
Exercise Grows New Brain Cells
This article just added another reason to get moving again. Not only to be bathing suit ready or to get that strong open feeling that comes after a workout. Not to fit better into jeans or even to satisfy my kids love for playing at "Kids Club."
To build new brain cells. Yep, I need them as much as the next gal...
I'll have to let you know if the inspiration pays off...
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
Mind Reading Toys
My Worldview in 10 Minutes
Life Goes On
I like to think that everything was fine at dinner, "Don't stop believing..." However, perhaps the "Members Only" guy in the restraunt pulled the trigger and Tony never heard it when it happened, as Bobby described on the row boat a few episodes ago.
But what happened isn't the important thing; or better said, not knowing what happened is the important thing. As with all of the series, answers are not easy to come by and that is what made it great.
Graduation Surprise!
The End is Near!
I guess I love that Tony is just a regular guy. With a good heart. Interesting values, of course, but at his core, just a regular guy doing his best. I can tell you that if Phil would have been in more episodes, I would have likely turned it off.
But now the end is near. The last episode is next week! The season has flown by. I will miss the anticipation of a new season and new episode and I'll make a point to give a new show a try. I must admit, watching the show together with John was what really made it worth it... I need another show to enjoy together with him!
If you have a favorite suggestion of a show that might hold my attention like The Sopranos did, please let me know!
Our family spent the weekend at the beach burying the kids in the sand, making sand-men, hunting seashells. The kids met other kid campers and loved the freedom of being able to run to the next-door camper to play.
The weather was warm and sometimes cloudy. Perfect weather for combining outside beach play with cozy indoor cards and books! A perfect, lazy weekend to begin the perfect lazy (at least a little lazy, I hope!) summer.
Go Ducks!
It is interesting to be that close to the action. It certainly gave me a whole new perspective of how strategy meets nitty gritty and body checks. Scott Niedermayer put it in perspective in a recent article. He "gets it." Scott describes his experiences in a way that show that when you're in alignment, good flows. Even in hockey. Amazing.
Welcome Dory!
I came across this quote that puts my tunnel vision into perspective so that I can laugh at how stuck I have been being:
Somebody was saying to Picasso that he ought to make pictures of things that way they are—objective pictures. He mumbled he wasn’t quite sure what that would be. The person who was bullying him produced a photograph of his wife from his wallet and said, “There, you see, that is a picture of how she really is.” Picasso looked at it and said, “She is rather small, isn’t she? And flat?” –G. Bateson
Save the World!
Don't get me wrong: There are certainly things that I would change about the world to make it a better place for everyone. But it is my commitment to put my energy and focus into a positive vision of the future, not into fighting against the "bad stuff." I would be much more inspired to join in if people took the extra step of articulating or painting a picture of the ideal outcome they are creating.
I guess it is the "news" philosophy: Drama sells. Well, as more and more people pay attention to the discipline of living consciously, I am optimistic that we will find that vision wins over drama any day of the week.
The takeaway for me: I'm committed to finding communities that I align with and can fully embrace, contribute to and put my energy into. My daughter's school is one of those places. I'm eager to find more, even if it takes wading through the contrast to get to the vision.
What is Enlightenment?
I subscribed. Not only that, but I also joined the Zaadz community for online discussion. I must say, I feel an almost physical sensation of being puuuulllllleeeeed out of my private little world where I have explored only personally for many years and I am both excited and feeling quietly cautious about going public and connecting with like-minded people around the world!
We'll see...
Trust Yourself
When we got there, the surf had created a big drop -- 5 feet or so-- between the sandy sand and the shoreline. I started to warn the kids not to get too close to the edge when John stopped me. "Where better can the kids learn about climbing and jumping and test their boundaries than in the soft sand at the beach? They can learn to trust themselves."
Lesson learned. Again. I feel like I'm learning that lesson all over the place these days. As I continue my new year promises, particularly the Light Body course, I've definitely had many questions and have been guided to many new things to explore. Part of me really wishes I had some sort of guide to follow, but in an area that is totally personal, there is no such thing. Of course there are lots of things that claim to be that, but those don't work for me. "Go inside and listen to your guidance" is all the meaningful direction I get.
I'm learning to trust myself. Sometimes it is liberating. Sometimes it is a little scary. Sometimes I feel like I'm really doing great. Other times, I feel myself falling back on my busy life to avoid newness for a while. I know it is all OK and I'm really enjoying the journey.
I'll link to some of the resources and new discoveries I've been finding in future posts. I'm not sure where they all fit. Some I'll explore more deeply than others. But it is all part of the web and a format like this helps me keep those links alive.
Thinking About Thinking
Guiding the Next Generation
That was one meeting I wasn't about to miss! Already, I love her school and the environment it provides for my sweet kindergartner. What an opportunity to help shape the future of her and my son's education in this way!
It was an interesting discussion, thinking through what a "human development" centered curriculum might look like. Conversation included topics like attending to the whole child, fostering self actualization, promoting social responsibility, wellness, individuality and leadership. Even visualization came up as a possible area to look at. Already many of these pieces are in place, but once a formal framework is created, it will be easier to see where gaps may exist and then where to improve.
I came away energized and eager to continue the process! It is clear to me that somewhere in this realm of human potential is where I want to end up spending more of my time.
Going on a Sentimental Journey...
I have been looking forward to this gathering for months now. I know it meant so much to Grandma. What surprised me is how much it meant to me! Having my husband and children connect with family and our heritage, watching the kids play on the balcony with cousins -- some they know well and some who they just met for the first time, watching my dad give a toast to his mom, seeing cousins who have pulled through the toughest of times and emerge strong and happy, meeting new spouses and babies... I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
In preparation for the day, I created a DVD with photos from our family's past. It was surprising to me how little I knew about my own grandma. But I found the secret to getting to know her -- just ask her about a photo! She sure opens up as she recalls the people, places and happenings in her life. I also learned that I actually enjoy Lawrence Welk music -- ha! I must REALLY be getting old!!!
The Spa
This article summed it up. While the atmosphere didn't lend itself to lingering, overall, the spa experience was wonderful and the massage treatment (80 minute combo) was pure bliss. Kathie was absolutely fabulous, both skilled and intuitive and that truly made the day worth it.
I'm more of a lingerer when I want to do the spa on a day off. This spa isn't built for that. The small space, chattering clientele along with the television(!), newspaper and phone in the lounge made it feel more like home than an escape from the world.
The spa offers memberships and I can clearly see that if you want to use it more like a gym - quick in and out trips - it would be wonderful.
Why 17 seconds? Because if we focus our thoughts or attention on something for as little as 17 seconds, our vibration will shift to begin to match it. You can actually feel the shift in many cases. It is the first "ignition point" of our thought. In just 68 seconds, according to Abraham, you've launched a full-blown creation.
Now, you can take that to both the positive, deliberate thought and to thinking by default, too. How long do I dwell on something when it makes me mad? How long do commercials try to focus my attention on a feeling to make me what to buy? It reminded me why our family does not watch the news. How long could you stare at the newscast of things you don't want? Or let your kids do that?
It made me appreciate even more the resources such as Hay House Radio and the meditation recordings that Summer McStravick of Flowdreaming puts together and the variety of resources by Orin and Daben. There are so many ways to keep our thoughts focused in the direction we want and so many resources to help us practice. I'm always looking for more positive resources, so if you know of any, please comment!
So the trick is, find things that feel good and savor them! And when you find things that do not feel good, shift your focus as fast as you can!
Welcome Year of the (Fire) Pig!
From what I know (very little) about the Chinese Zodiac, they are just for fun even to the Chinese. But it is a nice way to guestimate out how old someone is without asking their age!
My husband, son and I area all Monkeys while my daughter is a Snake. What's more, my dh and I are Earth Monkeys and my ds is a Wood Monkey. Sweet girl is Metal Snake. What does it all mean? Maybe that tonight would be a good night for take-out!
The First Published Map of World Happiness
Walking the Talk
Today I discovered Shift-It-Coach. I especially like how Christina integrates her passion for deliberate creation along with her profession as a graphic coach. She truly combines her talents into something unique! Check out her background and what she brings to the table! Wow!
Log On to Feel Good
Where is the Universe Expanding To?
Today I saw this post on Evolving Times and the link to Scientific American titled "Where is the Universe Expanding To?" I started thinking about how extraordinary it would be to take this on, to try to explain eternal expansion in a mathmetical equasion! I want that job (at least, theoretically)!
I love the convergence of spirituality and science and the conversations it sparks.
More "Secret" Stuff
Again, I am both happy that thought like this is getting mainstream play but at the same time, it feels like it is just part of the story being told. It seems salesy and a little bit like snake-oil. With a topic so close to my heart, this is tough! I have to chalk it up to what mainstream is, I guess. And focus on the positive aspects.
I truly do marvel at what is possible by the time my children are grown. What if people took responsibility for their own thinking and deliberately used their imaginations to experience now the things they want and love. What if people stopped fighting against what they don't want (war on this, war on that) and instead started championing the things they do want.
What if time to think was as sacred as time to eat or sleep?
Just musing...
It made me think about how differently my kids think of friends. At 5 and 2, both Jenna and Jack are very outgoing, open, social and love their friends. In their world, friends are the kids their age that they meet at the park, anyone who wants to play. It is easy for them to find that natural affinity with people. One of their favorite things to do is to go out on a sunny day and "find some friends."
I spent time in Jenna's classroom today and the project I worked on was "What is a friend?" Answers from the 5 year olds ranged from "Someone who is nice to me" to "Someone who likes the things I like" and "Someone who helps me."
When did I start getting so picky about friends? I decided on the way home tonight to take a lesson from my kids and deliberately expand the people that I have relationships with, to ask more questions and to listen more carefully. I have a sense that I'll discover that I have more friends than I thought I did.
Today, I had that feeling as I drove south on the 5 from Seattle to Portland. In traffic. Sounds like a strange place to have the sense of freedom, but I did! And as the speeds picked up and the sun started setting through the forest of trees that line the highway, it really set in. I felt free, free, free! I had no hotel reservation and no timeline and for two short hours, no one really knew where I was except me.
I do believe that the basis of life is freedom. I am so free that I can choose bondage. Or not. It's all in my thinking. In every moment, no matter what my circumstances, I am free to choose any thought I want to think. I am free to change course, choose newly. Just knowing that is liberating.
Now...we create with our thought and we are free to think anything -- what an extraordinary concept. The question really becomes, do I dare think beyond where I have thought before? Seriously, it is not always an easy task to get out of our comfortable boxes to think beyond what already is.
So time to turn in and dream a little. I'd love to hear ideas about what you would think about and create if you could really think anything...
Flutter By, Butterfly
The last time I spoke with her was a little over a week ago. I asked her if she was scared, she said she really wasn't. She said that she had decided that everything had a reason and she was sticking to her story. We talked about connecting after she died and laughed that she would be a really tenacious butterfly, determined to land on my head.
I wanted to go into the backyard today and just sit and relax, to wait for a butterfly, but for some reason, I wasn't ready. I let myself stay busy instead. It's funny, I know that Mary is in such a better place now. She is free! I truly am happy for her! I guess I let myself feel sorry for me today. Not really an extraordinary way to be.
I must say, when I did connect with a few friends about Mary, we all shared the same relief that she was finally free. I think that people really do know that there is no need to fear death. That there really is no death, just a change of scenery.
Flutter by, sweet butterfly. I will miss you, Mary.
People ask me quite often, "What is yoga?" "Is it stretching?" "Is it meditation?" "Is it spiritual?" For me, yoga is a way of life and the practice of yoga is a deliberate connection of my body with my breath. Yoga is a workout, but that's not all it is. Yoga keeps me flexible and strong, but that's not all it does. Yoga relaxes me and quiets my mind, but there is more.
What I love about yoga the most is that it helps me to hold more light. All exercise does, really, but yoga is special because of the conscious integration and control of the breath. Breath brings light and light is the essence of all that is. It is our light that makes us extraordinary.
It's really that simple and I think most people miss it. When I grow up, I want to be a yoga teacher so that I can lead eager people through the wonder of yoga to grow strong, flexible, confident and quiet...to help them shine more brightly.
I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with yoga; especially if the practice is part of what makes you extraordinary.
It's as Easy to Create a Castle as it is to Create a Button
"Question: Not many people make billions, lose billions, and then make billions all over again. How did you pull this off?"
"Answer: To me it was a blip, not a catastrophe. I knew I was destined to succeed, and I kept focused on that belief. I’m very tenacious...and I don’t give up."
Check it out.
Being Extraordinary
By that, I mean that to truly make a difference on the magnitude of extraordinary, I have to be present, aware, open and willing to get out of my own way over and over again. It means that I need to be up at bat, swinging -- not hanging out in left field waiting to catch an easy pop fly.
I am committed to being extraordinary in my every, ordinary life. To create and maintain relationships that are alive and full of love. To think big, make commitments and keep them.
As part of that, I will be more intentional about my blogging -- focused back on the extraordinary.
It's just a stage...
I've been finding myself doing this recently with my two cherubs. Jack is just leaving his "Mommy, I want to have you!" stage and entering a new, "Weve me awone!" stage. (Mommy takes a deep breath here...). Jenna is testing the boundaries of her freedom. When she doesn't get it, there's s fight. Luckily I know (another deep breath), this is just a stage.
I find myself taking a lot of deep breaths lately. That's not so bad.
What About Me?
What You Want is Irrevelant!
It was a lot of class hours, but I did love the course this weekend and was returned to the discipline of living an extraordinary life.
What's Possible?
I'm coming to the realization that maybe I've been afraid to think ideal because I love my life. I love my work situation, my family, my friends. If I wanted more, would that be greedy of me? And what the heck would I ask for?
So I've started to venture out and explore a bit... at least in my thoughts. I know that one thing that I'd love is more time. But time for what? More family time and more time to spend thinking and doing the things that I love. This led me to another idea...what if I combined my work and the things I love? Teamwork, manifestation, spirituality... That idea would have been radical 5 years ago but these things are mainstream now. Maybe it's worth exploring, at least in concept.
For now, I've committed to making time for the things I love and my dh is fully supportive. I am so appreciative of the love and support that he gives me and so thankful that we've been able to create a terrific experience together.
This weekend, I'm attending the Communication - Access to Power course at Landmark Education. It's been about 6 years (before my daughter was born) that I attended any courses there but they are powerful programs that I enjoyed so I'm getting re-engaged. I'm taking yoga again once a week (at a studio) and practicing via DVD the other nights. This is a huge shift for me!
More on what comes of it all later... at least being in the inquiry is fun!
Rock Castles
We recently returned from a camping trip with the kids. It was our first to the desert since we were married -- my first, really, in probably 15 years.
I grew up going to the desert. The draw for the crowd then, as now, was motorcycle riding and playing with other recreational vehicles. But the draw for me is the desert. The expanse of quiet space, stretching from the earth up into the stars of the sky, touches me deeply. Even with the buzz of RV generators and motors whizzing by, I get that feeling of peace and belonging.
I love watching the campfire dance, the sun rise in the east. I love the stars. As a mom, I love watching the kids discover the desert for themselves. That's what Jack and I did. We discovered the wonder of building rock castles.
As an eager 2-year old, Jack wants to be just like his big sister and just like his daddy. He wants it all and he wants it now! After an episode of Jack being the epitome of a little brother, I decided to distract him into something new -- gathering rocks in his dump truck to build a rock castle.
What fun it was! We set out together to find the perfect rocks, piling them high into the yellow Tonka truck. We found our own rhythm, and were so connected to each other with hardly a sound. The world disappeared as Jack and I played, gathered and built the perfect rock castle. Filling and dumping, filling and dumping.
I should have taken a photo. It looked like a pile of rocks. But I know that each rock had a particular place and each rock was especially chosen to be in the castle. Not all rocks were selected.
As we left, I asked Jack to choose his favorite rock to bring home and now it sits in our family room, reminding me of the magic of the desert.
I'm looking forward to building more rock castles.
20 degrees (feels like 8)
I must say that I do enjoy having the opportunity to see different parts of the country and to meet different people. It has given me a whole new perspective on California. I used to think I could never live anywhere else. Now, I can see that there are lots of great places to live and that even places like Wisconsin have their own advantages. I'll be visiting Idaho and Montana this year as well, so those will be interesting trips.
Last year I said that the next time I came to Madison in the winter I would walk on the lake. Well, I don't think I'll get that opportunity during this trip and I don't even know if it's frozen over this year. Everyone is remarking on how warm it has been. 20 degrees, warm? Well, it's in the 40s during the day. Maybe I should have worn sandals! : )
Signing off... the time difference comes early in the morning...
Dead Presidents
But a day of mourning? I truly mean no disrespect, but ... seriously! No trash pickup or mail or Wall Street? And right after the New Year's holiday? It seems to me that everyone just wanted an extra day off.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, either. I just wish I had a little advance notice. For me it was back to business as usual. I wanted the mail to go out. I wonder how many people who took the day off today are mourning and how many are just enjoying an extended holiday weekend? Maybe I'm just jealous.
Or maybe I'm just too used to a 24/7 world and we actually need more of this sort of thing. Maybe more people would wait their turn, write thank-you notes and smile when they pass by if we had more random holidays. If that is the case, I'm all for it.
Hap Hap Happy New Year!
So what's new in the new year? Tomorrow I get a few hours to create next 12 months...
Spiritual: A new course to explore
Career: Finding my place in the new organization
Physical: 1 yoga class a week live plus DVD 2x min
Relationships: More dates! Deepen friendships. Expand circle.
Travel and play: Lots of mini trips. Camping to see stars. Fun on the farm. Big Bear. Plus one "big" adventure.
Lifestyle: More journaling. Less blogging. A commitment to "mommy free choice" time at least once a quarter.
I've experimented with blogging over the last few months and while fun, I enjoy my personal inner space more than the public space of blogging. My commitment in 2007 is back home again where my mind and words can wander freely... We'll see what kind of time is left for blogger.
Happy 2007!