
Going on a Sentimental Journey...

Today we celebrated my grandma's 90th birthday. What a wonderful day! Family from all over California came -- some who I have not seen for over 20 years.

I have been looking forward to this gathering for months now. I know it meant so much to Grandma. What surprised me is how much it meant to me! Having my husband and children connect with family and our heritage, watching the kids play on the balcony with cousins -- some they know well and some who they just met for the first time, watching my dad give a toast to his mom, seeing cousins who have pulled through the toughest of times and emerge strong and happy, meeting new spouses and babies... I thoroughly enjoyed the day.

In preparation for the day, I created a DVD with photos from our family's past. It was surprising to me how little I knew about my own grandma. But I found the secret to getting to know her -- just ask her about a photo! She sure opens up as she recalls the people, places and happenings in her life. I also learned that I actually enjoy Lawrence Welk music -- ha! I must REALLY be getting old!!!


The Spa

Today was spa day. I ventured out and tried a new spa for me, The Spa and Fitness Club at South Coast.

This article summed it up. While the atmosphere didn't lend itself to lingering, overall, the spa experience was wonderful and the massage treatment (80 minute combo) was pure bliss. Kathie was absolutely fabulous, both skilled and intuitive and that truly made the day worth it.

I'm more of a lingerer when I want to do the spa on a day off. This spa isn't built for that. The small space, chattering clientele along with the television(!), newspaper and phone in the lounge made it feel more like home than an escape from the world.

The spa offers memberships and I can clearly see that if you want to use it more like a gym - quick in and out trips - it would be wonderful.



I'm on vacation this week so had a bit of time to browse for good stuff. I just found this 17 second timer and was reminded once again how quickly 17 seconds flies by!

Why 17 seconds? Because if we focus our thoughts or attention on something for as little as 17 seconds, our vibration will shift to begin to match it. You can actually feel the shift in many cases. It is the first "ignition point" of our thought. In just 68 seconds, according to Abraham, you've launched a full-blown creation.

Now, you can take that to both the positive, deliberate thought and to thinking by default, too. How long do I dwell on something when it makes me mad? How long do commercials try to focus my attention on a feeling to make me what to buy? It reminded me why our family does not watch the news. How long could you stare at the newscast of things you don't want? Or let your kids do that?

It made me appreciate even more the resources such as Hay House Radio and the meditation recordings that Summer McStravick of Flowdreaming puts together and the variety of resources by Orin and Daben. There are so many ways to keep our thoughts focused in the direction we want and so many resources to help us practice. I'm always looking for more positive resources, so if you know of any, please comment!

So the trick is, find things that feel good and savor them! And when you find things that do not feel good, shift your focus as fast as you can!


Welcome Year of the (Fire) Pig!

Happy Chinese New Year! Today begins the red pig year. Year of the fire pig.

From what I know (very little) about the Chinese Zodiac, they are just for fun even to the Chinese. But it is a nice way to guestimate out how old someone is without asking their age!

My husband, son and I area all Monkeys while my daughter is a Snake. What's more, my dh and I are Earth Monkeys and my ds is a Wood Monkey. Sweet girl is Metal Snake. What does it all mean? Maybe that tonight would be a good night for take-out!


The First Published Map of World Happiness

Guy Kawasaki's blog usually makes for interesting reading. Take yesterday's post for example. It's about a global study that attempted to map and project the overall happiness of different countries. Subjective? Of course! But another example of another example of another cool job -- I think I'm leaning toward a research scientist in a future life!


Walking the Talk

As you know if you've been reading this, in 2007, I am committed to uncovering network of inspired individuals who are committed to expanding who they've known themselves to be. As part of that, I've been looking for interesting blogs and sites that jump out to me. I linked to a few for the past two days.

Today I discovered Shift-It-Coach. I especially like how Christina integrates her passion for deliberate creation along with her profession as a graphic coach. She truly combines her talents into something unique! Check out her background and what she brings to the table! Wow!


Log On to Feel Good

What a cool site. "Dave" says he's created it out of his own desire to find things that feel good and what a great group of clips he has collected! Feel Good Vibes -- check it out!!


Where is the Universe Expanding To?

I teach my kids that everything they do, everything they think and every experience they have adds unto everything the universe is. They are an integral part of eternity and forever expansion. As Abraham puts it, they are on the leading edge, moving thought forward.

Today I saw this post on Evolving Times and the link to Scientific American titled "Where is the Universe Expanding To?" I started thinking about how extraordinary it would be to take this on, to try to explain eternal expansion in a mathmetical equasion! I want that job (at least, theoretically)!

I love the convergence of spirituality and science and the conversations it sparks.


More "Secret" Stuff

The Secret continues to gain momentum. Today's Oprah show featured The Secret to millions of viewers.

Again, I am both happy that thought like this is getting mainstream play but at the same time, it feels like it is just part of the story being told. It seems salesy and a little bit like snake-oil. With a topic so close to my heart, this is tough! I have to chalk it up to what mainstream is, I guess. And focus on the positive aspects.

I truly do marvel at what is possible by the time my children are grown. What if people took responsibility for their own thinking and deliberately used their imaginations to experience now the things they want and love. What if people stopped fighting against what they don't want (war on this, war on that) and instead started championing the things they do want.

What if time to think was as sacred as time to eat or sleep?

Just musing...



I just attended an event where there were quite a few people who I knew, many from work. Some I would consider friends. Most, aquaintences. What I mean by that is that I interact with them from time to time but have no meaningful relationship with them.

It made me think about how differently my kids think of friends. At 5 and 2, both Jenna and Jack are very outgoing, open, social and love their friends. In their world, friends are the kids their age that they meet at the park, anyone who wants to play. It is easy for them to find that natural affinity with people. One of their favorite things to do is to go out on a sunny day and "find some friends."

I spent time in Jenna's classroom today and the project I worked on was "What is a friend?" Answers from the 5 year olds ranged from "Someone who is nice to me" to "Someone who likes the things I like" and "Someone who helps me."

When did I start getting so picky about friends? I decided on the way home tonight to take a lesson from my kids and deliberately expand the people that I have relationships with, to ask more questions and to listen more carefully. I have a sense that I'll discover that I have more friends than I thought I did.