I have been looking forward to this gathering for months now. I know it meant so much to Grandma. What surprised me is how much it meant to me! Having my husband and children connect with family and our heritage, watching the kids play on the balcony with cousins -- some they know well and some who they just met for the first time, watching my dad give a toast to his mom, seeing cousins who have pulled through the toughest of times and emerge strong and happy, meeting new spouses and babies... I thoroughly enjoyed the day.
In preparation for the day, I created a DVD with photos from our family's past. It was surprising to me how little I knew about my own grandma. But I found the secret to getting to know her -- just ask her about a photo! She sure opens up as she recalls the people, places and happenings in her life. I also learned that I actually enjoy Lawrence Welk music -- ha! I must REALLY be getting old!!!